OSHA Enforcement
The dataset consists of inspection case detail for approximately 90,000 OSHA inspections conducted annually. The dataset includes information regarding the impetus for conducting the inspection, and details on citations and penalty assessments resulting from violations of OSHA standards. Additionally, accident investigation information is provided, including textual descriptions of the accident, and details regarding the injuries and fatalities which occurred. For more information refer to: www.osha.gov.
View OSHA's metric codes on the 'Data Enforcement' page under 'OSHA Enforcement Data' or Downloaded.
The following datasets use offset for pagination so you can gather more than the limit of 200 records. For more detailed information read about the how to use our offset under the "data.dol.gov" tab.
Dataset Tables
Accident Table
The following table contains OSHA accident information including date, time, description, and other associated accident fields.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name summary_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the accident OSHA-170 form |
Column Name report_id | Data Type char(7) | Column Description Identifies the OSHA federal or state reporting jurisdiction |
Column Name event_date | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date of accident (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Column Name event_time | Data Type date | Column Description Time of accident (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name event_desc | Data Type varchar(200) | Column Short description of event |
Column Name event_keyword | Data Type varchar(200) | Column Description Contains comma separated keywords entered by ERG during the review process |
Column Name const_end_use | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description Construction - end-use (code table ENDU) |
Column Name build_stories | Data Type numeric(4,0) | Column Description Construction - number of stories in building |
Column Name nonbuild_ht | Data Type numeric(4,0) | Column Name Construction - height in feet when not a building |
Column Name project_cost | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description Construction - project cost range (code table COST) |
Column Name project_type | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description Construction - project type (code table PTYP) |
Column Name sic_list | Data Type varchar(40) | Column Description Comma separated 4-digit SICs associated with related inspections |
Column Name fatality | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description X=Fatality is associated with accident |
Column Name state_flag | Data type numeric(1,0) | Column Description Flag used to identify a State |
Column Name abstract_text | Data Type varchar | Column Description Abstract text |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Accident Abstract Table
The following table contains information about OSHA accident abstracts. The information in the table originates from form OSHA-170 and is linked to OSHA accident reports found in the osha_accident table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name summary_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the accident OSHA-170 form |
Column Name line_nr | Data Type numeric(7,0) | Column Description Abstract line number - this is a sequence number which should only be used for ordering the lines |
Column Name abstract_text | Data Type varchar | Column Description Abstract text |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Accident Injury Table
The following table contains information about injuries associated with OSHA accident reports. It includes information such as the Degree of Injury and the Cause of Injury and is linked to OSHA accident reports found in the osha_acident table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name summary_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the accident OSHA-170 form |
Column Name rel_insp_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the inspection associated with investigating a particular injury |
Column Name age | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Age of the injured person |
Column Name sex | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description M=Male or F=Female |
Column Name nature_of_inj | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Nature of injury code - code table IN |
Column Name part_of_body | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Part of body code - code table BD |
Column Name src_of_injury | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Source of injury code - code table SO |
Column Name event_type | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Event type code - code table FT |
Column Name evn_factor | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Environmental factor code - code table EN |
Column Name hum_factor | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Human factor code - code table HU |
Column Name occ_code | Data Type numeric(3,0) | Column Description Occupation code - code table OCC |
Column Name degree_of_inj | Data Type numeric(1,0) | Column Description 1=Fatality or 2=Hospitalized injuries or 3=No Hospitalized injuries |
Column Name task_assigned | Data Type numeric(1,0) | Column Description 1=Task regularly assigned or 2=Task not regularly assigned |
Column Name hazsub | Data Type varchar(4) | Column Description Hazardous substance code |
Column Name const_op | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Construction - operation code (code table OPER) |
Column Name const_op_cause | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Construction - cause of injury (code table OPER) |
Column Name fat_cause | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Construction - cause of fatality (code table CAUS) |
Column Name fall_distance | Data Type numeric(4,0) | Column Description Construction - distance of fall (feet) |
Column Name fall_ht | Data Type numeric(4,0) | Column Description Construction - height of person when fell (feet) |
Column Name injury_line_nr | Data Type numeric | Column Description Injury line number - is often referenced in the abstract text to refer to a particular person |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Inspection Table
The following table highlights OSHA inspections conducted by OSHA compliance safety and health officers under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the Act) to determine whether employers are complying with standards issued by the agency for safe and healthful workplaces. OSHA publishes information on its inspection and citation activity on the Internet under the provisions of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act. Data for a given inspection will be present if data exists for the inspection and the inspection is indicated as being closed.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name activity_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Unique identifier for the inspection |
Column Name reporting_id | Data Type char(7) | Column Description Identifies the OSHA federal or state reporting jurisdiction |
Column Name state_flag | Data Type char(1) | Column Description Flag used to identify a State |
Column Name estab_name | Data Type varchar(300) | Column Description Establishment being inspected |
Column Name site_address | Data Type varchar(300) | Column Description Street address of site inspected |
Column Name site_city | Data Type varchar(180) | Column Description City of site inspected |
Column Name site_state | Data Type varchar(20) | Column Description State postal abbreviation of site inspected |
Column Name site_zip | Data Type varchar(40) | Column Description Postal zip code of site inspected |
Column Name owner_type | Data Type text | Column Description A=Private or B=LocalGovt or C=StateGovt or D=Federal |
Column Name owner_code | Data Type varchar(100) | Column Description Used for owner=D only |
Column Name adv_notice | Data type varchar(1000) | Column Description Y/N/blank |
Column Name safety_hlth | Data Type varchar(100) | Column Description Safety/Health indicator (S=Safety or H=Health) |
Column Name sic_code | Data Type varchar(40) | Column Descripition SIC code |
Column Name naics_code | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description Unique code number that is assigned to the NAICS |
Column Name insp_type | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description A=Accident or B=Complaint or C=Referral or D=Monitoring or E=Variance or F=FollowUp or G=Unprog Rel or H=Planned or I=Prog Related or J=Unprog Other or K=Prog Other or L=Other-L |
Column Name insp_scope | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description A=Complete or B=Partial or C=Records or D=NoInspection |
Column Name why_no_insp | Data Type text | Column Description A=No Insp/Not Found or B=No Insp/Out of Business or C=No Insp/Process Inactive or D=No Insp/10 or Fewer Empe or E=No Insp/Denied Entry or F=No Insp/SIC not on PG or G=No Insp/Exempt Voluntary or H=No Insp/NonExempt Consult or I=No Insp/Other |
Column Name union_status | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description Indicates union representation during inspection (Yes=Y/U/A or No=N/B/blank) |
Column Name safety_manuf | Data Type text | Column Name Safety planning guide manufacturing (X/blank) |
Column Name safety_const | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description Safety planning guide construction (X/blank) |
Column Name safety_marit | Data Type text | Column Description Safety planning guide maritime (X/blank) |
Column Name health_manuf | Data Type text | Column Description Health planning guide manufacturing (X/blank) |
Column Name health_const | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description Health planning guide construction (X/blank) |
Column Name health_marit | Data Type text | Column Description Health planning guide maritime (X/blank) |
Column Name migrant | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description Migrant labor inspection (X/blank) |
Column Name mail_street | Data Type text | Column Description Mailing address street |
Column Name mail_city | Data Type text | Column Description Mailing address city |
Column Name mail_state | Data Type text | Column Description Mailing address state postal abbreviation |
Column Name mail_zip | Data Type (varchar15) | Column Description Mailing address postal zip code |
Column Name host_est_key | Data Type varchar(40) | Column Description Internal establishment key |
Column Name open_date | Data Type date | Column Description Indicates when the inspection was started (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name case_mod_date | Data Type date | Column Description Date the inspection or associated violations were last affected by updating (yyyymmdd). Note: this field was only recently added to the database to facilitate the transfer process. Therefore. cases not affected by updating in April. 2004 or later will have zero in this field |
Column Name close_conf_date | Data Type date | Column Description Closing conference date (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name close_case_date | Data Type date | Column Description Close date of inspection (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name ld_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Load Date Timestamp (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Optional Information Table
The following table provides additional, optional information associated with an OSHA inspection. The information is linked to OSHA inspection reports found in the osha_inspection table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name activity_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the parent inspection |
Column Name opt_type | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description Identifies the optional information type (only N type included) |
Column Name opt_id | Data Type numeric(2,0) | Column Description Optional information ID |
Column Name opt_value | Data Type varchar(50) | Column Description Optional information value |
Column Name opt_info_id | Data Type numeric | Column Description Optional Information ID |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Related Activity Table
The following table provides information about activity related to an OSHA inspection. The information is linked to OSHA inspection reports found in the osha_inspection table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name activity_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the parent inspection |
Column Name rel_type | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description C=Complaint or I=Inspection or R=Referral or A=Accident |
Column Name rel_act_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Activity number of the related activity |
Column Name rel_safety | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description X=Yes or blank=No |
Column Name rel_health | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description X=Yes or blank=No |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Strategic Codes Table
The following table provides information about strategic codes tied to OSHA inspections, including NEP (National Emphasis Program), LEP (Local Emphasis Program), and Strategic Plan Code. The information is linked to OSHA inspection reports found in the osha_inspection table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name activity_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the parent inspection |
Column Name prog_type | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description N=NEP (National Emphasis Program) or L=LEP (Local Emphasis Program) or S=Strategic Plan Code |
Column Name prog_value | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Code value |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Violation Table
The following table contains information about OSHA violations that are in violation of the Act, Executive Order 12196, or 29 CFR Part 1960. OSHA publishes information on its inspection and citation activity on the Internet under the provisions of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act. Data for a given citation may not be available for 5 days following receipt by the employer for Federal inspections or for 30 days following receipt by the employer for State inspections. The information is linked to OSHA inspection reports found in the osha_inspection table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name activity_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the parent inspection |
Column Name citation_id | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Identifies the citation number, item number, and item group of the issued citation |
Column Name delete_flag | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description D=deleted |
Column Name standard | Data Type varchar(100) | Column Description OSHA standard violated |
Column Name viol_type | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description S=Serious or W=Willful or R=Repeat or O=Other |
Column Name issuance_date | Data Type date | Column Description Date of citation issuance (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name abate_date | Data Type date | Column Description Date by which the violation must be abated (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name abate_complete | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Q=Quick Fix or X=Abatement Completed or I=Corrected During Inspection or E=Not Completed - Employer out of business or W=Not Changed - Worksite changed or S=Not Completed - Solicitor advised or A=Not Completed - AD discretion |
Column Name current_penalty | Data Type numeric(24,2) | Column Description Current penalty assessed (ZZZZZZ9.99) |
Column Name initial_penalty | Data Type numeric(24,2) | Column Description Initial penalty assessed (ZZZZZZ9.99) |
Column Name contest_date | Data Type date | Column Description Date contested (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name final_order_date | Data Type date | Column Description Date of final order (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name nr_instances | Data Type numeric(5,0) | Column Description Number of instances |
Column Name nr_exposed | Data Type numeric(5,0) | Column Description Number of employees exposed |
Column Name rec | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description A=Accident or C=Complaint or I=Imminent Danger or R=Referral or V=Variance |
Column Name gravity | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Level of gravity for serious viol - 01-10 or blank |
Column Name emphasis | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description X or blank |
Column Name hazcat | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description General industry standard hazard category |
Column Name fta_insp_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description FTA inspection number |
Column Name fta_issuance_date | Data Type date | Column Description FTA issuance date (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name fta_penalty | Data Type numeric(24,2) | Column Description FTA penalty (ZZZZZZ9.99) |
Column Name fta_contest_date | Data Type date | Column Description FTA contest date (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name fta_final_order_date | Data Type date | Column Description FTA final order date (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name hazsub1 | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Hazardous substance code |
Column Name hazsub2 | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Hazardous substance code |
Column Name hazsub3 | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Hazardous substance code |
Column Name hazsub4 | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Hazardous substance code |
Column Name hazsub5 | Data Type varchar(25) | Column Description Hazardous substance code |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Violation Event Table
The following table provides information about OSHA violation events, including the event and penalty information. The information is linked to OSHA violation reports found in the osha_violation table and inspection reports found in the osha_inspection table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name activity_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the associated inspection |
Column Name citation_id | Data Type varchar(7) | Column Description Identifies the citation number, item number, and item group of the associated citation |
Column Name pen_fta | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description P=Penalty or F=FTA |
Column Name hist_event | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description Z=Issued or P=Petition to Mod Abatement or I=Informal Settlement or A=Amendment or W=Empr Withdrew or D=Govt Dismissed or L=State Settlement or Y=State Decision or F=Formal Settlement or J=ALJ Decision or R=Review Commission or 1=State Lower Court or 2=Appeals Court or 3=Supreme Court |
Column Name hist_date | Data Type date | Column Description Date of the event (yyyymmdd) |
Column Name hist_penalty | Data Type varchar(10) | Column Description Amount assessed (ZZZZZZ9.99) |
Column Name hist_abate_date | Data Type date | Column Description Abatement date (yyyymmdd) - when pen-fta=P |
Column Name hist_vtype | Data Type varchar(1) | Column Description Violation type - when pen-fta=P |
Column Name hist_insp_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description FTA inspection number - when pen-fta=F |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |
Violation General Duty Standards Table
The following table provides information associated with general duty standards cited during OSHA inspections. The information is linked to OSHA violation reports found in the osha_violation table and inspection reports found in the osha_inspection table.
Column Name | Data Type | Column Description |
Column Name activity_nr | Data Type numeric(9,0) | Column Description Identifies the associated inspection |
Column Name citation_id | Data Type varchar(30) | Column Description Identifies the citation number, item number, and item group of the associated citation |
Column Name line_nr | Data Type integer | Column Description Identifies the relative line in the citation text represented by Line-text |
Column Name line_text | Data Type varchar | Column Description Citation text line |
Column Name load_dt | Data Type timestamp without time zone | Column Description Date the load was completed (yyyymmdd hhmmss) |