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DOL OSHA Compliance

DOL OSHA Compliance V1


This dataset provides summaries of fatalities and catastrophes resulting in the hospitalization of three or more workers. Employers must report these incidents to OSHA within eight hours. The summaries include only preliminary information, as reported to OSHA Area Offices or to States which operate OSHA-approved State Plans. OSHA investigates all work-related fatalities and catastrophes. Once an OSHA investigation is complete, the summary report will be updated with a webpage link to the corresponding inspection, which will list citation information. More information can be found at https://www.osha.gov/dep/fatcat/dep_fatcat.html

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OSHA Fatalities
Column Name Data Type Column Description
Column Name id Data Type bigint Column Description Id of the record - Primary Key
Column Name dateofincident Data Type Datetime Column Description Date of Incident
Column Name companyandlocation Data Type varchar (100) Column Description Company Name and Location
Column Name description Data Type varchar (500) Column Description Preliminary Description of Incident