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Wage and Hour Publications System

Wage and Hour Publications System


Dataset Tables

PublicationsView Table

Publications View
Column Name Data Type Column Description
Column Name PublicationId Data Type int Column Description Unique publication id.
Column Name Recommended Data Type bit Column Description A publication can be marked and visible as recommended/featured on the ordering interface. 1 - recommended publication, 0 - none recommended publication.
Column Name RecommendedImage Data Type VarBinary(max) Column Description The image show to the publication it is recommended
Column Name Title Data Type NVarChar(500) Column Description Publication's title
Column Name PubNumber Data Type NVarChar(100) Column Description The publication number. (I am not sure what is the exact meaning of publication number in the real world.)
Column Name HTMLLink Data Type NVarChar(2000) Column Description Contains a link the HTML version of the publication (if the publication has HTML version).
Column Name DocumentCounter Data Type int Column Description How many documents are connected to the publication
Column Name DocId01 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId02 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId03 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId04 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId05 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId06 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId07 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId08 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId09 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name DocId10 Data Type int Column Description Id of the first attached document. If no documents are attached all the DocId fields will be null. If two documents are attached the fields from DocId03 to DocId10 will be null.
Column Name Language Data Type NVarChar(50) Column Description Publication's language. When empty it is usually English.
Column Name StockStatus Data Type NVarChar(50) Column Description Currently the possible values are: AVAILABLE; BACK_ORDERED; NOT_AVAILABLE; or OUT_OF_PRINT

DocumentsView Table

Documents View
Column Name Data Type Column Description
Column Name DocumentId Data Type int Column Description Unique document id.
Column Name PublicationId Data Type int Column Description Which publication this document is assigned to. This field is not unique!
Column Name DocumentType Data Type NVarChar(50) Column Description Document type. For example ‘PDF’
Column Name Name Data Type NVarChar(200) Column Description The file name before it was uploaded into the table
Column Name FileData Data Type VarBinary(max) Column Description The binary data of the file.